language educators
language educators
language educators

We have developed some fantastic resources to help language teachers and trainers make the most of digital tools in their teaching:

21 of our favourite digital tools and good practices to use in the language classroom. Ideas you can take into use right away.

Our Digital Language Education course with 10 modules covering the topics that language teachers told us they most needed extra training in.

50 questions to help you reflect on your own skills and knowledge in the field of digital language teaching.

Our Massive Open Online Course provides practical demonstrations of how to use digital tools to create and share resources and activities in the language classroom.

Click on the buttons below to get directly transfered:
(You´ll find more resources on the resources page, but these are the ones that you can use right away.)



For effective online teaching we develop courses and tools for language educators to enhance their digital, social & personal skills, self-confidence and professional awareness.


We will achieve an enhancement of competencies for digital teaching in the European language landscape.

WELCOME to the project website of the Erasmus+ Project “Fit4DigiLinE”

Implemented by a consortium of 6 partners coming from Austria, Spain, Greece, Finland and Italy, the project “Fit 4 Digital Linguistic Education” aims at creating a European knowledge base of digital competences for language educators and providing the European adult educational landscape with a newly developed online assessment tool. Due to the issue that knowledge of the national language of the country in which people live and work in is fundamental to professional success and social integration in society, the project is conducted to extend the competences of language educators to enhance their teaching skills.

The learning materials produced incorporate the areas of digital, social and personal skills. This project therefore makes a valuable contribution to “Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners” in adult education.

The open source access to all project outputs will be guaranteed for at least 5 years after project end. Our aimed impact is to initiate a broad debate on the importance of digital competences within language education and to equip as many educators as possible with the tools.

Objectives and Impact of the Project

The Project “Fit4DigiLinE” will have the following impact on all geographical levels:

*  better informed language educators on the possibilities of digital teaching in their specific field
empowerment of language educators on assessing the learner’s development
*  awareness about the connection of digital competences with personal and social competences and their importance in online language teaching
transnational informed language educators and other stakeholders through the MOOC course time and place independent

Our Partners



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