Here you can find and download free of charge all the materials we are developing as part of this project.
The results are always published in English and mostly also in all languages of the project partners.


This transnational report presents the status quo of digital language teaching and the digital tools already in use in Austria, Italy, Greece, Finland and Spain, as well as a collection of good practices in the partner countries. In this first phase, teachers, language educators and language school directors contributed directly to the research activities by participating in structured online surveys, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Additional desk research helped to gather further examples of good practice.

➜  Transnational Report

  Collection of Good Practices

➜  Interview and Focus Group Guide

Our 10-part Digital Language Education course cover the topics that language teachers told us they most needed extra training in.  Take the whole course, or focus on the learning units that are of most value to you. Not sure what you should study? You can use the self-reflection tool to help you decide.

➜  Didactic Concept

➜  Online course

➜  Course contents for download as PDF

➜  Curriculum

50 questions to help you reflect on your own skills and knowledge in the field of digital language teaching. Use it to help you decide where you need extra training, and which learning units in the online course would be of most value to you.

➜  Self-reflection tool

➜  Manual

Our „Massive Open Online Course“ (MOOC) provides practical demonstrations of how to use digital tools to create and share resources and activities in the language classroom.

In total there are 7 modules:

1) Learning Videos and Screen casting

2) Mind Maps, Flashcards and Comics

3) Audios, Subtitles and Podcasts

4) Learning Games

5) Assessment: Testing and Test Development

6) Helping students create their own resources

7) Selfcare: Mental and Physical Health as a Language Teacher

Take a look and learn something new!


If you are interested in more information about the project, please feel free to take a look at our flyer.



The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which solely reflect the views of the authors.
The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.